Abilitics Venture Studio serves as the techpartner behind the first Job Board in Viber

At Abilitics, we are proud to back VibeJobs,a groundbreaking venture reshaping recruitment across Bulgaria and the region.VibeJobs emerged as a solution to a unique set of challenges seen first-hand byHR veteran Ivaylo Pirovski, who, after years of managing large-scalerecruitment projects in Bulgaria, saw glaring inefficiencies in how unskilledand vocational candidates were recruited. The process was manual, fragmented,and often ineffective—especially in an environment where an aging populationand rapid depopulation are among the most critical economic risks.
Co-founded by Abilitics partners Jivko andRossen, VibeJobs is more than just a platform; it is an evolution in how hiringhappens in Southeast Europe. The team behind VibeJobs—Ivaylo Pirovski as CEO,Jivko Jivkov as CTO, and Rossen Zhivkov as Chief AI Officer—has seen theregional labor market's unique dynamics and felt the urgency to bring a fresh,digital-first solution to industries struggling to fill essential roles.VibeJobs connects recruiters and job seekers where they already are: through asimple chat interface on Viber, the most widely used messaging app in Bulgaria.
The inspiration for VibeJobs struck duringan informal conversation when Ivaylo met tech experts Jivko and Rosen.Together, they envisioned a tool that not only reached unskilled andlower-digital-literacy candidates but also streamlined communication forrecruiters. Soon after, Bulgarian IT entrepreneur Ivaylo Slavov joined theventure, drawn to the tech challenge and the social impact of developing achat-based recruitment platform. With initial backing from Vitosha VenturePartners and New Vision 3 Fund, supported by the European Regional DevelopmentFund, VibeJobs launched in April 2024 and saw explosive adoption, gatheringover 18,000 users in just three weeks and forming strategic partnerships withmajor players in retail, hospitality, and manufacturing.
The platform leverages a key advantage: itsclose integration with Viber, achieved through a unique collaboration withViber’s VP of global marketing and growth, Atanas Raykov, who recognizedVibeJobs’ potential to enhance user engagement on the app. With Viber’ssupport, VibeJobs has created a frictionless recruitment experience that lowersbarriers for job seekers and streamlines the hiring process for employers.Ivaylo Pirovski notes, "Our partnership with Viber was a breakthrough—itallowed us to provide a solution that doesn’t just connect people to jobs butis also easily accessible and incredibly scalable."
As a Venture Studio, Abilitics is committedto creating ventures that bring impactful change. Our partnership with VibeJobsis a testament to this commitment, and with a model that scales across borders,we see vast potential in expanding VibeJobs’ reach. Ivaylo and his team arealready looking to replicate this success in Serbia and other SoutheastEuropean markets, ensuring that VibeJobs not only remains a Bulgarianinnovation success story but becomes a transformative force in recruitmentacross the region. At Abilitics, we believe in the power of local solutions tosolve local challenges, and we’re excited to be part of this journey withVibeJobs.
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